Association Status

Article 1

An association is established in Geneva, subject to articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code, which takes the name of “Association of International Civil Servants of Swiss Nationality” (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).

Article 2

The aims of the Association are:

to promote a better knowledge of the international civil service in Switzerland at the level of public opinion and public authorities, as well as of Switzerland’s role as a host country for international organisations;
to promote the general principles defined by the Charter of the United Nations;
to identify the specific problems of Swiss working in international organisations and to seek appropriate solutions; and
to facilitate contacts between Swiss officials and the Swiss authorities on the one hand, and between the members themselves on the other.

Article 3

The resources of the Association are constituted by the contributions of its ordinary members and associate members and the donations it may receive.

Article 4

The Association consists of ordinary and associate members.
Ordinary members may be persons of Swiss nationality, officials and former officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies, as well as other intergovernmental organizations approved by the Committee.
Other persons of Swiss nationality interested in the aims of the Association may be associate members by decision of the Association; Their application for membership must be supported by two ordinary members.
Observer members (without voting rights) – new category since the General Assembly (AG-15) of 18 September 2015:
Admission to AFIS is open to non-Swiss persons, active or retired, who have worked in international organizations and who hold a C permit. However, the final decision on admission will rest with the Committee.

Article 5

Ordinary and associate members of the Association pay an annual fee, the amount of which is fixed by the General Assembly.

Section 6

The General Assembly, acting by a two-thirds majority of the ordinary members present and voting, may, on a proposal from the Committee formulated after giving the person concerned the opportunity to be heard, pronounce the exclusion of an ordinary member or associate member without giving reasons.

Section 7

Ordinary members who have paid their dues shall have the right to vote and are eligible for election to the Committee.

Article 8

The organs of the Association are the General Assembly and the Committee.

Article 9

The General Assembly is composed of all the members of the Association. It shall meet in ordinary session at least once every two years, when convened by the Committee. It shall meet in extraordinary session upon decision of the Committee and upon written request of one-fifth of the ordinary members, provided that the applicants are in good standing as regards their dues.

Article 10

The notice of the General Assembly, whether ordinary or extraordinary, must be sent at least two weeks before the date fixed for the session and include an agenda.

Section 11

Save as otherwise provided in these Statutes, the General Assembly shall take its decisions by an absolute majority of the ordinary members present and voting.

Section 12

The ordinary members of the Association elect a Committee composed of five to nine ordinary members. The Committee shall consist of at least one President, two Vice-Presidents, one Treasurer and one Secretary.
The members of the Committee, chosen if possible to ensure the representation of the various organizations, shall be elected for one year and shall be eligible for re-election.
They have the power to involve ordinary members in the work of the Committee.

Section 13

In any calendar year, expenditures incurred by the Committee without prior authorization by the General Assembly shall not exceed 80 per cent of the income of the last financial period for which the audited accounts have been validly approved.
The adoption of a budget by the General Assembly cancels and replaces the flexibility defined in paragraph 1.

Article 14

The Committee represents the Association and is bound by the collective signature of the President and a Vice-President on the one hand, and the Treasurer and the Secretary, on the other hand.

Section 15

The working language of the Association is French.

Section 16

The Statutes of the Association may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the votes cast, provided that a simple majority of the total number of ordinary members votes in favour of the amendment.

Section 17

In the event of dissolution of the Association, the General Assembly decides on the allocation of the assets of the Association to one or more charitable organizations.

Section 18

These Statutes have been adopted and shall enter into force on 21 April 1982. They were amended on 18 September 2015 with the addition of point 4 to Article 4.