AFIS at a glance

AFIS brings together civil servants of Swiss nationality working in international organizations in Switzerland and around the world.

Established on April 21st 1982 in Geneva, the goals of the Association are to promote international civil service in Switzerland, to provide international career support to our compatriots and to contribute to the greater understanding of the principles of the United Nations Charter, UN missions and those of other international organizations.

AFIS – an association established in Geneva since 1982, subject to articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code

AFIS – who are we?

People with international status in their own country find themselves in a particular situation and sometimes have to face problems of a fiscal, social, legal or other nature. We are here to assist you in solving these problems, give information and advise you on the steps to be taken with the competent authorities.

AFIS pursues its objectives by organizing information campaigns, debates, awareness-raising social events, petitions to international organizations and authorities of host States in Bern, Geneva and internationally, both autonomously and in conjunction with other civil service Associations.

AFIS – how to join?

To become a member of AFIS please register on-line

AFIS Activities Program

  • Organizing the General Assembly and inviting speakers to address current subjects
  • Organizing themed evenings to discuss international civil service issues
  • Organizing social outings to encourage networking
  • Giving advice to individual members at their request

AFIS Resources

Volunteers, membership fees and any donations received.

AFIS Members

Ordinary Members

  • Swiss nationals who are active or retired civil servants of the United Nations and specialized institutions, as well as of other intergovernmental organizations approved by the Committee, are admitted as members of the Association.

Associate Members

  • Other persons of Swiss nationality interested in the aims of the Association may be associate members by decision of the Association; Their application for membership must be supported by two ordinary members.

Observer Members (without voting rights)

  • Admission to AFIS is open to non-Swiss persons, active or retired, who have worked in international organizations and who hold a C permit. However, the final decision on admission will rest with the Committee.

AFIS Bodies

The General Assembly

  • Invites all the members of the Association. It meets in an ordinary session at least once every two years, being convened by the Committee and, on qualified request, in an extraordinary session. The General Assembly takes its decisions by an absolute majority of the members present and voting.

The Committee

  • It is composed of 2 members including at least a President and a Treasurer who have the power to appoint the Associates for the needs of the association.
    If desired but not mandatory, the Committee can be enlarged to 5 members with the addition of one or two Vice-Presidents and a Secretary.
    The members of the Committee, chosen if possible in such a way as to ensure the representation of the various organizations, are elected for one year and are re-eligible.

The Associates

  • The other functions and roles (e.g. Communications, Webmaster etc and also the role of Vice-Presidents and Secretary if they are not part of the Committee , can be distributed at the request of the Associates during the various meetings.

Ordinary members who have paid a subscription are eligible.


  • The Committee may delegate its functions to the associate members present during its meetings, as well as also to the ordinary members present during the general assemblies.